Vysani Eyele


"The answer is 'purpose'. What is the question?"

Name: Vysani Eyele
Gender: Female
Color: Green-White
Species: Geperna Derivative/Asandus Mutt
Size: Medium-Large
16' tall at shoulder

Vysani's a mystery to practically everyone at the Clan, and it's not because she's actively out to act mysterious, it's because she just is. Answering in riddles and half answers isn't some affection of hers, and it isn't out of maliciousness, it's just the way she talks, whether or not anyone likes it is up to them. Her past is nothing that anyone particularly needs to know about, so she doesn't speak about it except in the abstract, leaving people to make what they will of her comments and actions.

Like Cherri, Vysani has her own goals and motives in life and (luckily for the two of them) those tend to intersect a good portion of the time. When they don't, heaven help everyone around them, because while Cherri and Vysani never, ever get violent with one another, the ice that forms between them could be used to freeze meat at the height of summer.

Abilities: Verbal Speech
Human/Dragon Spectrum Shifting
Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation, Telekinesis)
Bond: Cherriandra