Cherriandra Sleettoe

"So, only the oblivious, the crazy, and the desperate keep hanging around when I brush them off. Which do you qualify as?"

Name: Cherriandra Sleettoe
Gender: Female
Color: Silver
Species: Dragonborn (Silver Dragon Heritage)
Size: Height: 7'3"

Cherri' is a private sort of person, being very quiet most of the time but with an acidic wit when drawn out of her shell. Most assume that she's shy, but she is far from that. She's a smooth woman, with her own goals and motives that few can predict. Cherri is a master of certain magic disciplines, and excels with psionics and ice spells especially. She has great patience and focus and can spend entire days meditating and practicing. When she is around friends, she is quick to point out flaws in plans, but she is also willing to give praise where it's truly deserved. She is a light-weight when it comes to drinking all but a few kinds of alcohol, and seems to become reflective and willing to share stories and thoughts on deep, philosophical ideas.


A tall and lithe creature, Cherri' is covered with a layer of very pale and flexible silver scales that verge on being white. She looks nearly completely human, save for a long, whippy tail and long, digitigrade legs. Her straight hair is white and falls to around her hips, and is framed around her head by a fringe of long, delicate horns. Cherri' likes to wear outfits that you typically see in fantastic roleplaying video-games, often with asymmetric accessories and patterns. She loves glowing and shiny things, and tends to equip them whenever she can help it.

Abilities: Cloudwalking
Low-light vision
Immunity to Cold
Sorcerer (specialized in psionics and ice spells)
Bond: Vysani