

"Awww, but Zivera!"

Name: Prepu Filidechiroptidae
Gender: Male
Color: Glass
Species: Godspawn Hybrid
Size: Medium-Small
8' tall at the shoulder, 22.5' long

A jokester through and through, Prepu has a tendency to take nothing seriously and strive to lighten the atmosphere in even the most tense of situations. Though he isn't much of a prankster, he does occasionally play one on those he feels need to pull that stick out for once.

Prepu, underneath his guise as a jokester, is a rather self-contained dragon in that he keeps much of his thoughts to himself no matter what provocation is given to revealing himself. He's brilliant but rarely shows it in any manner other than his jokes and occasional pranks, preferring to be underestimated in his life. The truth of the matter is, though, that he's fully capable of following along with Mularaja's explanations, and has made a small name for himself on the Net the same way his sponsor has.

Abilities: Psionics (Telepathy, Telekinesis)

Verbal Speech

Human-Dragon Spectrum Shifting -- The dragon can fully transform into a human guise, though its skin, hair and eyes reflect its natural colouration

Shadow-Walking -- The dragon may use shadows to move from place to place, similar to teleportation

Functional Magic -- The dragon produces magic within their own body that aids in bodily functions, and which can be drawn off to create spells.

Magic Leeching -- The dragon can absorb magic from another source, using it either as sustenance or to create spells.

Colour-Related Abilities: Can melt sand into glass -- Can shape glass into any form
Bond: None
Parents: Father: Rainbow-Mottled Black Godspawn, Rixor
Mother: Black-Gold-Silver Hybrid, Assa Filidechiroptidae
