Seagahn: Merchant Warrior


::What is it that you'd like today?::

Name: Seagahn
Gender: Male
Rank and Class: Member - Warrior
Species: Dragon Whorling
Color: Clouded Green-Yellow
Markings: None
Size: Medium-small
7'4" at the shoulder, 21'10" from nose to tail-tip

Outspoken and brash, Seagahn has an eye for opportunity and a nose for profit. He drives a hard bargain, refuses to back down in the face of violence, and effortlessly stands between Rohir and those who would bother the shy Enchanter. Despite this, he's willing to "live and let live", so long as no one attempts to control or harm him or those he cares about.

Adhering to his own moral code, Seagahn believes that anyone who's incapable of bargaining deserves the high prices that he charges. On the other hand, he's been known to willingly take youngsters under his wing and teach them how to drive a mean bargain, even if doing so hurts the profits of the shop. Being predominantly a merchant at heart, the life of a mercenary warrior is a bit of an odd fit for him. He has no argument about the fight that the Devyrs are currently involved in, but he is uneasy about any future he might have with the crew, and the possibility of being hired by "the bad guys".

Like Rohir, Seagahn has never been anything other than a whorling. He's curious as to how such a thing is possible - he never thought that the whorl could take someone and change them so drastically - but not enough to pester the others about.


In his draconic form, Seagahn stands an easy 7'4" at the shoulder, and 21'10" from nose to tailtip. His body is covered in thick, clouded green-yellow hide, except for his underbelly, which has harder scales along it. He has one forward facing horn in the middle of his forehead, a row of spines down his neck, and frills along the side of his head, all in a metallic green. Seagahn has long, curved fangs that hang down and tend to drip venom when he's furious. His wings are batlike and large.

In his anthro form, Seagahn stands at 6'10" in height, and has the same clouded green-yellow hide as his draconic form. His belly scales remain in this form, though he loses the neck-spines and frills in place of metallic green hair that reaches midback on him. His single horn, however, stays, though in a smaller form. Sharp, sea green eyes keep track of everything, peering out of his flat, human-like face, and his fangs remain, giving him a rather vampiric appearance. His fingers end in sharp, metallic green claws that are as hard and sharp as steel, his legs are digitigrade and end in claw-tipped paws, and his tail becomes a heavy, powerful whip. His wings remain as visible as ever.

While in anthro form, Seaghan tends to wear 'merchant's attire' - a long sleeved shirt, a leather vest with embroidery along the edges, and billowy pants tucked into knee high, open-toe leather boots. The only weapon he carries around with him is a short sword that he tucks into his belt.


Seagahn grew up alongside Rohir, and the two have been fast friends since childhood. When Rohir discovered by accident that he could enchant things, it was Seagahn who came up with the concept of starting a shop, and it was Seagahn who acquired the place, advertised, and otherwise paved the way for their success. He watched with pride as their business took off, and reacted with cold fury at the lordling who thought to kidnap Rohir for the whorling's abilities.

He was reluctant to trust Taisthen at first, under the belief that the 'defection' was just a trap, but figured that a chance was better than nothing.

In the long run, he's not entirely sure whether he will stick with the Company, or just stay with Clan Akelara once the war is over.

Abilities: Partial Shifting: Anthro Form
Venomous Bite
Speak With Animals: Medium
Bond: None