

"Keep track of that."

Name: Kjalmir
Gender: Male
Rank and Class: Member - Specialist
Species: Dragon Whorling
Color: Dark Green
Markings: Purple Spots
Size: Medium-small
6'4" at the shoulder, 24'7" from nose to tail tip

Kjalmir is a careful whorling, always checking and double checking his sources, his resources, and the world around him. He tends to take things slow and methodically, never leaving out a step and never skipping over anything important. He's the sort that, when handed a contract, will read the entire thing through, including all the fine print, and then ask questions based on what he's read.

It might surprise others to know that such a stolid, careful whorling is an avid gambler - and an even more avid cheater. Kjalmir has a knack for slight of hand and 'magic tricks', combined with an innate knowledge of the odds, that makes him nearly unbeatable at the tables. He plays it for the thrill, not for the money, and considers cheating a 'game' wherein he loses only if someone can catch him doing it. Not that he cheats at every game he plays, just many, and never with the crew unless a challenge has been laid down that involves cheating.

Kjalmir has always been a whorling, though he's been taking the time to catalog the difficulties and progress of Flikk and Vikktor, in case the information is ever needed again.


In his dragon form, Kjalmir is 6'4" tall at the shoulder and over 24' long from nose to tail tip. His pine green body is marked with a line of purple spots on either side that starts at his muzzle, runs down his neck and all the way to his tail tip. The outer edge of his wings also has the line of purple spots down it, though the edge of the membrane does not. He has a row of pine green belly scales down his underside, two backward curving horns on his head, and a deep green crest that runs partway down his neck. His eyes are a soft yellow gold.

In his humanoid form, Kjalmir stands at 6'2" in height, and has the same pine green skin with row of purple spots down each side as his dragon form. His belly scales and horns remain in this form, though the horns are less noticeable under his shock of long, deep green hair that often falls into his yellow gold eyes. His face is flat like a human's, his fingers end in sharp white claws, his legs are digitigrade and end in claw-tipped paws, and his tail is just as flexible as Flikk's, allowing him to grab things that are more than an inch around. His wings remain as large and noticeable as ever.

While in humanoid form, Kjalmir tends to wear light leathers dyed a deep green, over a long sleeved shirt and long pants. He secrets many daggers and blades about his person, and is rarely, if ever without some sort of weapon (beyond claws and tail). Openly, he tends to carry a rapier, preferring the light blade to anything heavier.


Kjalmir's been a mercenary for most of his life, though mostly just as a free lancer who took jobs as a merchant guard who traveled from town to town guarding caravans. He loved the work, loved the differing sights and places he got to see, and loved the fact that every job he took had different faces. Needless to say, he was good at the job, especially as an outrider, as there was little that escaped his notice and even less that could trick him.

It was in one of those towns that he ran into Haart while looking for a job. Normally, Kjalmir would have nothing to do with a Company, preferring his life as a free lancer, but he needed the cash, and Haart spun such a story that Kjalmir was, reluctantly, interested.

Now, however, he's become captivated by Alida, and is tentatively courting the pink dragoness.

Abilities: Shape Shifting: Anthro Form

Power Magnification: the ability to magnify the magical powers of himself or others at will, though he can only magnify one person's powers at a time

Healing Factor: wounds that Kjalmir takes heal in a few heartbeats - cannot regenerate missing limbs

Plant Magic

Summon War Shadow Elementals

See the Invisible: The ability to see things made invisible by spells or other natural abilities
Bond: None