Kirada: Sun Mage

"Sun, Father of us all! Grant me your strength this day that my allies may triumph and my enemies fall."

Name: Kirada
Gender: Female
Rank and Class Member - Specialist
Species: Dragon Whorling
Color: Orange
Markings: Red-violet horns and claws, Blue mane, Yellow wings

Kirada is a playful, cheerful dragoness, a lover of life and a friend to all. Her soft spoken words are the key to many a door, and her innocent gaze is the hinge upon which many of Flikk's plots revolve. Outsiders who meet her are often surprised that such a sweet, loving dragoness is a member of the Devyrs, but underneath her innocent gaze and cheerful affection rests a determination and strength that few can best.

What won her her place in the Devyrs was her common sense - innocent she may look, but she's older than many would guess, and is perfectly willing to do what she must to assist her companions. Though by no means cruel or heartless, Kirada has a pragmatic streak that shows itself in times of necessity.

She has no issue with her form, preferring it to any form she may have held before. Not that she recalls any such forms.


Kirada's draconic form is that of a bipedal whorling, with small wings, a long blue mane, multiple red-violet horns on her head, and wide, innocent red-violet eyes. She stands 7' tall, with another 7' of whip-like tail that she can make rigid while running or jumping in order to act as a counter-balance.

In her anthropomorphic form, Kirada's size drops slightly, down to 6'8" in height (putting her even with Vikktor, to her amusement), though she retains her dark orange hide, bright blue mane of hair, and her multitude of horns about her skull (though the horns are slightly smaller, and are mostly hidden by her shock of blue hair). Her front paws become hands, her posture straightens up into a more humanlike posture, and her tail lengthens into a truly nasty whip-like appendage. Kirada's face becomes more human-like as well, though she retains her red-violet eyes.

She wears loose white robes, belted closed with a braided rope belt, from which hangs a long knife. She carries a heavy staff around with her as well (this being her main weapon). Her wings and tail slot through holes cut in the robes, giving them freedom of movement.


Kirada has been a wandering mage for all her days. She can't remember anything before then, though she's certain there had to be something there. On the other hand, she doesn't care all that much.

She first met the small group of Flikk, Vikktor, Haart, and Zarilyna in a tavern where she, Tryo, and Eyo were resting after dealing with a haunted temple. She couldn't help but listen in on their conversation, curious as to who and what they were.

It was then that trouble arrived on the wings of a storm. A local band of thugs, driven into the tavern because of the downpour outside, roudy and looking for a fight. They focused on the small group of anthros, and grew angered when their barbed words and nasty looks got them nothing more than a quiet "Leave" by Vikktor.

Sensing both that the thugs wouldn't leave without a fight, and that the small group of four anthros wouldn't give it to them, Kirada rose from her place, Tryo and Eyo at each shoulder, and butted in.

"Leave them be, Chaban," Kirada snapped, staring down her snout at the human leader. Tryo and Eyo, both in their anthro forms, shifted into fighting stances, hands on the hilts of their swords.

"I repeat, leave them be, Chaban." Kirada spoke again, when the thugs merely settled into fighting stances of their own. "Or I'll lay a curse on you worse than what was on the temple I was hired to cleanse."

Faced with that, Chaban and the rest of the thugs slunk off to another part of the tavern. Kirada was about to return to her own table, but Vikktor stopped her, requested that she sit with them and tell their tale. With a shrug, she did so.

At the end of the night, both Flikk and Vikktor had offered them a place in their small mercenary group. Curious as to where their fates would lead them, the three agreed to join.


Partial Shifting - Anthro Form

Alter Physical Structure: Light

Wingless Flight

Sun Magic

Light Breath

Summon Support and War Light Elementals

Bond: None