Caller Vicae


"Stretch those wings a bit more. You want them to be strong when you attempt First Flight, don't you?"

Name: Vicae'akel (vi-KAY)
Title: Caller
Gender: Female
Element and Rank: High Fire
Species: Myrsilkain
Size: Medium-Large
16'7" tall at shoulder, 49'10" long
Elemental Powers: Fire: 8
Spirit: 6
Dream: 6
Lightning: 4

Mellowed by her Dream bond, Vicae is one of the softer, more welcoming Fires of the Clan. Children of any race can find a willing ear to vent their troubles to, and a comforting shoulder to cry on if they need to. She champions the weak and the children, but in a much more laid back way than Sessil does.

Truth to tell, guard duty isn't her preferred place either. She would much prefer to be a caretaker and teacher of the young, giving lessons in magic and flight.

Bond: Orlesaen'akel
Mate: Orlesaen'akel
Notes: Does Not Carry for Seasons