Conjurer Vaelai'akel

"Don't worry about the little things, I'll take care of them."

Name: Vaelai'akel (VAE-lay ah-kel)
Title: Conjurer
Gender: Female
Element and Rank: High Earth
Species: Myrsilkain
Size: Large
20'5" tall, 61'4" long
Elemental Powers: Earth (7)
Wood (5)
Metal (4)
Shadow (2)

A stable rock upon which others can rely, Vaelai has taken it into her head to make sure the Clan thrives. She is the "mother" to the Clan, making sure all the little things are done and in place so that Revent and Yikaeri can do their jobs with little worry.

Bond: None
Mate: None
Notes: Does Not Carry for Seasons