That Annoying Itch

Uubeqium was having the time of its life. Well - a time of its life.

Naktikni was up to something. That wasn't unusual in and of itself, of course - the bronzy-goldy robotic was always up to something or another - but what was unusual was the way Naktikni had been hanging out with Snaedis and her hive for a time, asking pointed questions and coming back thoughtful and quiet. More to the point, the normally tricksome robotic was completely ignoring perfectly good opportunities for obsfucation and riddles.

It disturbed the natural order of their little clique. Asholia had no one to riddle with, Uubeqium had no one to constantly pester, and Verdrat... well, Verdrat continued to do Verdrat-things, like listening to people ramble on and on, but Uubeqium could tell the enhanced dragon missed the bronzy-goldy robotic as much as the rest of them. It was like the world was just slightly off kilter, leaving Uubeqium with an annoying itch on the inside of his plated head. Or that's what it labeled the sensation, at least, since it wasn't entirely sure what an "itch" felt like.

So Uubeqium decided to follow Naktikni, to figure out what the bronzy-goldy was doing. It was like a puzzle, a riddle that Uubeqium was determined to solve. Their little clique needed to be back in sync, Uubeqium needed to be back in sync, so that the "itch" would go away.

It was a very annoying itch.