S'mi, formerly Shemi

"Do you need something?"

Name: Shemi
Meaning: Bright Soul
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel

Shemi is sensitive to the emotions of those around him, being empathic to a fault and completely incapable of keeping himself aloof from everyone else's emotions. Perhaps because of this, he's always correct and proper when addressing or speaking with others, never letting himself slip, and if he does, he appologizes profusely. Getting to know the inner man is a difficult thing, as he's wrapped himself in so many layers in order to protect himself that, really, the empathic, correct, and proper side of him is all that anyone ever sees.


An average human by many accounts, S'mi is of middling height (5'9"), with close cropped brown hair and warm hazel eyes. His clothing is simple and practical, a token left over from his days as a simple herdsman on the plains. All in all, nothing truly remarkable about him in the slightest.


S'mi grew up on a ranch, herding horses and cattle from the moment he was old enough to ride. Truthfully, the life of a herdsman suited him, with its relative isolation and having to deal with only a few other humans at any given time. No one really knows why he decided to pack up and go off to bond a dragon, perhaps not even S'mi himself.

Bond: Urith