Fire Sessil


"You! Unhand that child!"

Name: Sessil'akel (ses-SILL)
Title: Caller
Gender: Female
Element and Rank: High Fire
Species: Myrsilkain
Size: Massive
34'5" tall, 103'4" long
Elemental Powers: Fire: 8
Light: 6
Earth: 5
Wind: 4

Sessil is truly the epitome of what a Fire can be - proud, energetic, and confrontational, especially when people rub her the wrong way. She's not afraid of stating her opinion, and will offer challenge to any and all without hesitation. Her grand Cause is to rescue any in need, especially other females.

Underneath her posturing and posing, Sessil is a very loving soul, with a soft spot for the young of any race. But don't take 'loving soul' for 'softie'. Sessil has quite a mean streak reserved for those she believes are undeserving.

Bond: None
Mate: None
Notes: Carries for Seasons