Roc: Fossa-shifter

"Hey, what's this?!"

Name: Roc Odehomuo
Gender: Female
Race: Fossa Shifter
Size: 5'2" tall

Roc is an active woman, always needing something to do or some place to explore, which is why she's often in her fossa form, as it allows her to climb over and around things that her human form can't master. She's also rebellious, questioning authority at every turn, much to Desyn's dismay, and actively going against what she's told to do.


Roc is a short, muscular woman with sparkling bronze skin and dark ruby eyes. Her hair is long, reaching mid back easy, and is always kept up in a ponytail that very few have ever seen her without. She's not often in her human form, though, as she prefers to scramble over Desyn in her animal form - that of a wyvern-winged fossa with soft, lemon yellow fur.

Bond: Desyneleth