

::Lil ol' me? Really?::

Name: Maeliza
Gender: Neuter
Color: Neon Blue
Species: Neon Dragon
Size: Medium-Small

Maeliza is a tricky sort, given to pranks and wordplays that allows 'her' to run circles around others. She loves to poke her nose into anything and everything that fascinates her, no matter what the consequences are.

'She' is a rather vain dragon, constantly cleaning her body or enlisting the aid of others to assist in doing so. Maeliza refuses to get involved in anything outright dangerous, desiring to keep her rather delicate body intact.

Abilities: Telepathy

They do give off a faint heat, and they glow (and therefore look best on a black / dark background). The key thing to remember is that they're made of neon encased in glass - they can break and are extremely unlikely to be ridden unless it's by a creature that won't damage the glass. They're reasonably durable, but a solid strike on them will shatter that portion. Wherever there is a gap, that's actually a separate piece of neon. They aren't technically "solid", they're 3D only in that the glass is rounded... Otherwise you can see right through them. They have no organs, though they could be pursuaded to "breathe fire" (in the form of a blinking flame-shaped sign...).

They can be male or female or whatever, though I think they'd require either complicated magic, or raw science to reproduce or be fused with another creature. Traits they may pass on would be glass shell, glowing, and 'outline' areas. (I imagine that a solid + neon dragon offspring might have a normal body but all its accessories like claws, spikes, maybe even wing sails would be detached neon.)

Bond: None