Caller Lirae'akel


"Leave me be."

Name: Lirae'akel (LEER-ay)
Title: Caller
Gender: Female
Element and Rank: High Shadow
Species: Myrsilkain
Size: Medium-Large
16'6" tall, 49'8" long
Elemental Powers: Shadow: 9
Earth: 4

Lirae is a soft spoken dragoness, keeping her own council and saying little in the presence of others. She has a sharp eye for detail, missing little that occurs around her, and a mind like a steel trap. Much preferring her sister's company over the company of the rest of the universe, it's rare to see her walking about during the day, and even rarer to see her in a large gathering.

Though she and her sister aren't bonded, they might as well be, the way the two stick to one another. Lirae is everything her sister is, and there are enough rumors cycling through the Clan about her own past to be a match for the rumor's about Nissae. Whether or not any of those are true or just a residual prejudice against Shadows and Voids is unknown.

Bond: None
Mate: None
Notes: Does Not Carry for Seasons