

"Yniaqueth, please, keep in mind those whom your decisions will affect."

Name: Ehk'vehs'semn'lep
Gender: Female
Color:Teal Blue with Dark Green Secondary Color
Species: Ah'gohris
17'2" to top of head

Ehk'vehs is a clever dragoness, almost always found with a dragon-sized puzzle in her paws or sitting in front of the giant sand-table that Cetirnen had built for her when she expressed interest in strategy. She loves to learn and exercise her mind, and can become frustrated if there's nothing around to keep her attention.

She often plays foil on Yniaqueth's cold calculation, bringing a peace-keeper's mindset to the strategist's table and trying to balance out the mindset of 'it's only numbers' that Yniaqueth is always in and that Cetirnen can often fall into. Still, sometimes she despairs that the two of them are beyond her reach.


Ehk'vehs was introduced to Cetirnen's group through Solath.


Highly Developed Sight: Can see visible spectrum, ultraviolet, polarized light and magnetic fields. Extreme detail at long ranges, and good at seeing rapid movements.

Highly Developed Hearing: Can differentiate rapid sounds at a rate much faster than average.

Telepathy: Weak telepathy, weak empathic abilities.

Vocal speech: Native Ah'gohris language, native language of Laruen
