Shaman Evantes'akel


"Do you have a reason for bothering me?"

Name: Evantes'akel (Ee-van-tess)
Title: Shaman
Gender: Male
Element and Rank: High Ice
Species: Myrsilkain
Size: Large
24'6" tall, 73'8" long
Elemental Powers: Ice: 8
Wood: 5
Metal: 2

Cold, rigidly polite, and externally emotionless, Evantes makes even Revent look welcoming. He has no use for the vast majority of people, and so has few acquaintances and fewer friends... not that he's bothered by that fact in the slightest. His one and only weakness is for those who have hit rough times in their life, or who have always gotten the short end of the stick. To these people, he'll offer support and assistance, though never more than enough to get the person on their feet.

Evantes is hardly a Knight-In-Shining-Armor (for even when he's helping others he's cold, polite, and emotionless), and his motives aren't as altruistic as they may seem; in the end, Evantes is mostly interested in how people react to getting another chance at life, like a scientist interested in the habits of rare species.

Bond: None
Mate: None
Notes: Carries for Seasons