When the call went out that all candidates for Frynoth's clutch should go to the sands, Mykira had quickly reached out and grabbed Dakaleran's arm, determined to pull him out to the hatching. She hadn't been able to drag him out of the candidate quarters since he had been shown to them.

"No arguing, come on!" she remarked with a smile, pulling him along the passageways towards the sands. They were the last to enter, and she quickly dragged Leran towards the center spot, looking Frynoth right in the eyes.

She watched, her eyes wide, as the hatching began. To think that one of these beautiful dragons would be hers!

A glowing pale blue was the first to hatch, followed by a bronze, a big, lovely fellow that bonded quickly. Two greens hatched next, one a beautiful glowing green, the other an equally beautiful regular green.

A small blue hatched and watched the two greens for a second before finding his own bond.

The next two to hatch were a brown and a large, glowing bronze dragoness. Both of them found their bonds then walked off the sands.

Three eggs were left, but yet all was silent. Mykira watched with aprehension, could these three eggs not hatch and leave both of them standing without a bond? She knew that if that happened she'd never be able to drag Leran onto the sands again.

Then, suddenly...... CRACK!

With a sound like thunder on a clear day, the two gold eggs burst open, revealing one male and one female dragon, who turned and walked their way to the small group of candidates.

She laughed as she watched the female gold bounce and flap her wings, generally having fun as she approached. A voice suddenly entered her mind, ::I'm Purelith.::

The male glowing gold was a bit slower, watching Dakaleran shift nervously. He could sense that his bond wasn't too happy to be here, ::Dakaleran! Don't hide from me! I don't care about your horn, I will protect you from anyone who wants to do you wrong. My name is Einzelth.::

Einzelth looked up into his bond's eyes, and was rewarded with a slight flickering of thought that maybe Mykira was right, this had been a good idea.

Dakaleran still distrusted most everyone, but, with Einzelth's encouragement, he felt safer, and could, on occasion, be found walking around the weyr. And even, sometimes, talking with people, sometimes other candidates and sometimes residents of the weyr.

Mykria and Purelith were just as happy and bouncy as ever, and this change, even so slight of a change, filled them with joy. Whenever Einzelth felt down about his chances of making Leran get over his wariness, they were were to cheer him up, and they were always there for Leran, although proud as he was, it was hard to get him to realize that he did need them.

Dakaleran leaned against Einzelth's side, staring up at the dark sky, a simple dark shadow against his dragon's glowing body. Mykria watched him from a doorway, absently stroking Purelith's head as she did.

::I'm going to fly soon.::

"What...?" Mykria turned to face her dragon, confusion writ large upon her face, only now noticing the faint glow on Purelith's golden hide..

::A mating flight.. it is my time.:: Purelith gave a draconic smile, ::Einzelth has already agreed to fly me this time.::

"Did you even tell Leran of this?" Mykria sighed at the innocent look her dragon gave her, "Well at least have Einzelth warn him before it happens, yes?"

::Perhaps.:: The reply left her feeling no more confident that Leran would be warned.