
Tiran Daem Niateranias

"I am only as cruel as my nature demands."

Name: Daem
Gender: Male
Species: Nightmare Spirit
Hair: Smokey Blue-Black
Eyes: Crimson
Skin: Dark Grey/Black
Height: 6'5" tall

Daem, being a spirit of nightmares, is given to a darker humor than most enjoy. Fear and horror are his bread and butter - he requires them to survive, after all - but he's not actively cruel about it, as he sees no reason to be cruel. All that creates, in his experience, is hatred, and hatred isn't what he wants.

All in all, Daem's not a bad spirit to know, so long as you have a strong heart and don't mind being scared on occasion. He respects the strong-willed and the resolute - the people who stand firm despite their fear and continue on - and tends to make a habit of being around people like that. What he can't stand, however, is betrayal - anyone caught crossing him or someone he cares about will be dealt with.

Abilities: Shadow Magic



Notes: Weaker during the day
Pets: Male Red Fire Eki: Tiran

Female Gold and Black Eki: Niateranias (Nite)
Bond: Daiheln
Mate: Merrlsae