Cold Vision of the Distant Blaze

"The more things change, the more people remain the same."

Name: Cold Vision of the Distant Blaze
Nickname: Coldblaze
Gender: Female
Color: Black and Glowing Blue
Race: Silshar
Size: 12' tall, 42' long

Coldblaze is a distant soul, eternally cool to everyone around her, especially males. It takes a certain type of person to get her to be even passably friendly with someone, and the skill required to get within her walls completely are mindboggling. She sets herself to one side and observes the world, her clever mind making connections and jumps that few can, setting her even further apart from the rest of the world, as she can guage a person's reaction long before that reaction happens, and be correct more than half the time. To meet her the first time is disturbing, as her eyes never leave the person she's speaking with, and she's always weighing everything in her mind.

Mother: Summerstorm Reverie of the Rain (Rain Reverie)
Father: Veritas
Bond: None