
Adult Renoth

"Calm, relax. Take a few breaths, gather yourself. .... Now. What was it you wanted to tell me?"

Name: Renoth
Nickname: Mother
Gender: Female
Color: Dark Court Gold
Race: Vella Crean Dark Court
Size: Gold Sized

She surprisingly out of all the dark court dragons to hatch, has no qualms in working with another light court dragon. Even if the other light court dragon just happens to be a queen. A little bit too practical, she's more like the mother of the group. Patient, understanding and only harsh when she thinks you need to learn your lesson. Too nice, most of her brood are just waiting for the day that she snaps. Three... two... one....

Powers: Telepathy


Verbal Speech

Venomous Sting

Venemous Bite

Bond: None

Hatchling Renoth

"Why should I be angry? My sister is a very capable leader, who deserves my assistance and support."