
Adult Keyath

::Lead, Mother, current whispers are that we should start looking for a new home. We like Akelara and all, but... well... we're twenty-four dragons, two companions, and three humans... don't you think we're getting a little, well, large for this section of Akelara?::

Name: Keyath
Nickname: Keeper
Gender: Female
Color: Ryslen Green
Race: Pureblood Ryslen
Size: Small Green Sized

Keyath wants to help. Really. She seems to exist to run about as the little runner-girl for Lead (Darasath) and Mother (Renoth). (And isn't it strange how this Clan has a nickname for everyone? Keyath has never heard of the like anywhere before, but she's found that the nicknames are often more revealing about the dragon and their place in the Clan than any amount of description could ever be.) She's active, alert, and tends to notice little things that others, caught up in the big picture, might miss. As such, she's been known to keep track of lots of little things that go on in the Clan, then sorting and reporting the information back to whichever Clan leader (sometimes both!) needs it. In this position, she's become indespensible, and is proud of finding her place so swiftly.

Powers: Telepathy


Assisted Firebreath
Parents: Dam: Gold Mezireth
Sire: Bronze Kalavanth
Bond: S'dal

Weyrling Keyath

::S'dal, I've gotten an offer to join from a small Clan of dragons... should we?::

Hatchling Keyath

::We do indeed exist, S'dal, and I'll never leave you.::