Android Kawaz

"Move along."

Name: Kawaz
Gender: Neuter
Species: Android
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Unknown
Height: 5'7"
Age: 21 (at bonding)
32 (at current)

Kawaz was once a police officer. He was involved in a disastrous crash that effectively obliterated his body but was reconstructed into an android. Unfortunately, the brain damage he sustained in the crash means that he is a little... wonky. He has a strict moral code that he abides by (and insists everyone else must follow as well). He takes it upon himself to rid whichever world he may be on of crime... and grasshoppers.


Kawaz appears entirely human... if humans constantly wore leather motorcycle suits complete with dark-tinted helmet. His mechanical exoskeleton is fused to this outfit in order to maintain his inner pressure. He can speak quite well using a device in the helmet that transmits his voice (now with 5 different voice settings!). It is difficult for him to convey emotion due to having no visible face and no vocal chords.

Bond: Bronze Tasirth