

"Cha want, eh? Can't you see I'm busy?"

Name: Aimili (AYM-ill-lee)
Nickname: Steel
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Race: Human
Size: 6'10"
Age: 15 (when bonded)
21 (at current)

Aimili has a will of iron, the balls to do whatever she wants, and the blatant disregard of rules to ignore what everyone else says she should do. So far, it's served her well in her life, causing her to rise from simple drudge's child to a dragonrider. And in that position, she's found that her past, combined with her determination, makes her one of the only ideal candidates among the Vecira humanoids to deal with logistics and supply. Unfortunately, she's finally found something that she can't bend to her will, and that something would be her beloved, hyperactive dragon - Xasath.

Xasath has, through her eternal playfulness, begun to teach Aimili how to unbend and have a bit of fun, and it's much more common to find Aimili smiling than at any time in her childhood. Now that her entire life isn't revolving around dragons and how to bond herself to one, Aimili finds herself at a bit of loose ends, but her new-found position as Supplymaster is keeping her busy and feeling like she's actually accomplishing something.


Born a drudge, Aimili had always dreamed of flying high above the ground on the back of a dragon. This dream earned her some ridicule among the other children ("drudges don't impress!"), and was highly discouraged by her parents, foster parents, and pretty much any other adult she came into contact with. She refused to let this discourage her, though, and created a plan of her own.

Aimili spat in her parents' faces when they tried to keep her from bonding, and instead strode out onto the hatching sands like she owned the place, despite not being on the registered candidates list. When the ever-hyper Xasath came to her, she was pleased, if a bit surprised.

Bond: Xasath