The Fallen Roses

Many things were decided that first Gathering, called by the Four. Ranging from the Celestial Covenant to more mundane things, such as how to keep in contact with each other, the First Gathering set the stage for all the Gatherings to come.

One thing, above nearly everything else, became part and parcel of each Gathering -- the Nametaking. The Rollcall. A list of surviving Fallen, updated every Gathering, and a copy sent back with each participant, that all may know the Fallen that still live, and where they do.

This is that list, incomplete and cobbled together from the discarded copies of previous Rollcalls. As Fallen are found and contacted, the list shall be updated appropriately.

Name Gender Star Colors Location Bond
Kyran Rasur Male The Frozen Star Silver and Sapphire Blue Caevadrin None
Eli Delacroix Male The Snow Star White and Blood Red Caevadrin None
Luna Murik Female The Ice Star Silver and Sky Blue Caevadrin None
Gale Vanhanen Male The Tempest Star Silver and Midnight Blue Savirren None
Vartan Shevarra Male The Blood Star Black and Blood Red Medra None
Zane Sierra Male The Ocean Star Blue and Sea Green Sai Menos None
Pale Yumai Female The Flame Star Orange and Fire Red Ka Serra None
Eyolin Yumai Male The Inferno Star Black and Fire Red Ka Serra None