She ghosted in with the first heavy snowfall of winter, an apparition both silent and beautiful. No one could place her - no one had seen her about before, but she moved with the quiet certainty of one who knew where she needed to be. To those who tried to stop her, she merely smiled and slipped around them, graceful as a cat.

Her coming was as gentle as snow, but as devastating, in its own way, as a blizzard. No one knows how word started circulating about her, but it did.

Her name was Albino Peace; her profession, healing. Of mind and body, of heart and soul. As long as her patients were willing, she could heal them with time and dedication.

To the grieving, she was a shoulder to cry on; to the weary, a place to rest; to the burdened, an unjudging ear; to the wounded, a healer; and to anyone and everyone, a welcoming companion willing to spend time doing anything with them, so long as it was never violent.

Inisail and her two bonds, Rentaon and Kelthin, took to the new-comer willingly, teaching her whatever she wished about their herb-craft and healer-skills. She, with her gentle manner and soft beauty, willingly took to helping those who'd let neither of the massive Myrsilkains, nor even their delicate dyrad-human bond Kelthin see to them.

And still, she rarely speaks of her past with anyone, unless she feels revealing pieces of it will assist in healing someone else. One thing is for sure though - she is as untameable as the snow that falls from the sky, and goes wherever her powers of healing call her. For now, that place is Clan Akelara, but who can say for how long that will last?