// [the Nameless]


the Nameless


::Name:: // [Has no name- has come to be called the Nameless, which is more a title than a name]
::Gender:: Male
::Rank:: //
::Species:: Human
::Age:: Unknown
::Job:: //
::Location:: Mindspace

::Height:: 5'9"
::Eyes:: Reddish-toned. Originally green
::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: Very very pale, almost unnaturally so.
::Hair:: Black. Longish, unkempt, messy. Gets cut every now and again when he notices it and objects, but otherwise is whatever length.


::Mental Disorders:: Unknown
::Physical Disorders:: Porphyria
::General:: The nameless is an individual living in the ravages of a disease. His history is unknown, to himself and to anyone else, and thus he never really came to get an official name. People called him 'nameless', which eventually turned into 'The Nameless', which became a sort of name in itself. He suffers from a very bad case of porphyria, resulting in a number of symptoms, including body pain and a sensitivity to sunlight so strong it physically hurts him to be exposed to it. Due to this, he's lived most of his life beneath an abandoned subway, swathed in as many clothes as he can find and living slightly apart from the other homeless there, who have come to be wary of him. His only company, most of the time, are stray cats, who seem attracted to him.
The nameless displays a number of psychotic symptoms associated with Schizophrenia, but this could be a symptom of his disease. Most prominent are delusions, and after that, hallucinations. The delusions are as much an alternative way of viewing the world as they are delusions, though-- For example, perhaps because the lights burn him physically, he's convinced that there are demons in the lights. His view of the world is simply very different from ordinary people's, because his situation is unique. Through all this, he's functional-- of course he views the world a certain way, and takes actions based on that abnormal world view, so that which seems logical to him may seem completely illogical to others. He holds no job, or any of that, but he can survive, and even survive pretty comfortably, all things considered.
the Nameless himself is a pretty quiet person. Even without his issues, he's wary of people, and quite shy. All things considered, it's no surprise, then, that such a trait often manifests itself as paranoia. Though he doesn't actively think of it, most of what he does actually does have some logic and practicality to it. He also seems to have an affinity for the supernatural (or perhaps it's the other way around), a good empathy sense that he rarely does anything with.

::Former Location::

::Mate:: Monster [(c) Tio]
::Bondeds:: Soft, Blue F SaaShiyovi;


::Name:: Soft
::Gender:: Female
::Species:: SaaShiyovi
::Rank:: Skilled- Shield [?]
::Colour:: Blue

::Size:: Similar to that of a large dog
::Eyes:: Green
::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: A light, bright shade of blue.
::Build:: Elegant, Light

::Magic:: Wingless flight, Relatively strong magical shielding, sense magic [?]
::Mental:: Telepathy

::General:: original notes: ((Written by Unyko)) One of the strongest Saa in the hatching as a Moon level Skilled, this little guy is timid and gentle with most people, she already has a great capacity for kindness for those weaker than herself. She was drawn to the nameless with an intense desire to protect him, which probably means that her young Skill will develop into that of a Shield, though it could still go either way.
Additions by Me: Soft was named rather informally-- 'Soft' is the first thing the Nameless said when he touched his new bond for the first time. She is soft, physically and otherwise, but a better adjective for her might be 'calm.' Still waters run deep, as the old saying goes, and this applies to the tranquility of this little saa. She's self-posessed, but not obnoxiously-- she just has a good handle of herself, who she is, what she is, and what she can do. She knows how far to push herself, but at the same time, she knows what her limits are. This is an especially good knowledge to have, what with her magic-- she's a Moon level Skilled, and a Shield, for which she's always had the talent. She's a very protective creature, but this, like everything else about her, manifests itself subtly. She won't wander around being nasty and snarling, for instance-- quite the opposite, in fact-- but she's still very protective of her loved ones. Hers is a stable sort of strength, and it touches everything she does. Despite what one would expect, her protectiveness does not cause her to be a distant or cold person. She's warm, caring, and gentle, which is as much what her strength derives from as anything else.

::Origins:: Valley of the Sky
::Hatching Exerpt:: ((Written by Unyko))  Lastly, a little while after those three had gone their way, a tiny little brilliant blue head poked out of the eggshell it had been hiding in and looked around. There seemed to be no other candidates left, and she made a sad little churbling noise, climbling out of her shell. Was her chosen not here? Had he been forced to leave because she was so late in hatching?
However, there was one last candidate, hiding in the shade of a nearby stone building. It was old and in disrepair (practically falling apart, actually), but it offered enough shade that it's occupant would be out of the sun. And there was a Shield on hand so that, should he actually decide to come out of hiding, the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees still wouldn't touch him.
Still, the only reason she noticed him at all was because there was a large... thing. Standing in the doorway. she squeaked again and charged forward, well, would have had she been in better control of her limbs at the time. As it was, the Beast of Eyes had to carry her, just as she had carried the Nameless, to her chosen bond. She cooed softly as she was set down at the doorway to his hiding place, and nuzzled the many layers of clothing lovingly. She would protect him from any demons that dared try to harm her new bond. ~I stay with you,~ she said to him, her mindvoice as gentle as a soft breeze.

::Pedigree:: Unknown

1: Somewhere to be
2: Good Feelings [soft's hatching]

1: Somewhere to be

 Hwas underground when the Beast of Many Eyes found him. (but he was always underground, so this was nothing new.)

Specifically, he was hunched over the mass of blankets that made up his home, in this little niche fare beneath the subway, twitching and whimpering because his body hurt. But this was a very normal thing, and it would pass in time. The not-normal thing was the click of clawed footsteps that were slowly coming closer.

The Others who lived in the sewers and the subway with him had claws sometimes, but these claws were bigger than any he’d learn to recognize. And they kept getting closer, and closer.

And eventually came to a halt before him, and he had that disturbing theresomethingnibblingatmyspineatmyspine feeling that comes with being watched. He risked a glance up and regretted it, whimpering and curling into a ball. Where were his cats? Where were they? Oh yeah, they’d all been moved up to the place he’d be inhabiting soon, the place in the World of The Lights with the Demons in them…

The Beast of Many Eyes fanned her wings, and all the eyes swiveled to look at him. He felt that and looked up, whimpering. What, what what what what what what why? Those weren’t markings, no those were actual eyes…

We have somewhere to go. The voice wasn’t spoken, but he heard it and it gnawed all the way down to his core, chewing on the bones it found there. Bad voice. Bad voice.

Now. Still no answer from the nameless, who was huddled up and avoiding her. Go away, Go away, you’re just a dreambeast.

The Beast of Many Eyes gave a sigh, reached down and picked him up by the back of his shirt. There will be sunlight where we’re going. You’ll have to make some arrangement. Her only answer was a whimper and an attempt to curl up further. He was covered, now, but in the sun he’d be helpless. Perhaps there’d be something worked out. We’re going to the Valley of the Sky. And with that, she clomped her way out, past all The Others who lived in the sewers, who did nothing but stare and huddle backwards as the two of them made their way out.

2: Good Feelings [Soft's Hatching]

Not written by me. Written by Unyko, and located here: Link!

SaaShiyovi and related concepts, as well as Soft's original art and partial design, are (c) Unyko @ nexus and Valley of the Sky