"Vigilante Photojournalist!"



Snap, shot, and tru, respectively



::Name:: Peirre
::Gender:: Male
::Rank:: Mindspace Resident.
::Species:: Anthro Antelope
::Age:: 21
::Job:: Photojournalist
::Location:: Sometown on the outskirts of mindspace.
::Height:: 6'1"
::Eyes:: Green
::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: VERY slightly purpled tanbrown fur, paler on belly, inner thighs and inner-upper arms, almost to white down center. Black stripes down sides of this lighter fur, and around wrists and ankles.
::Hair:: Short. longish bang-type, with vagually layered shortish hair. about 2.5 inches a strand. Blue, various shades-- cyan, medium blue and dark blue.
::Other:: Light and fast build, as antelopes are, made for speed. He carries himself, however, like a heavier animal, and one would think he'd be better suited to being a lion, than an antelope. He is, however, quite quick when he wants to be; a gift his genes have given him. Two dark-gray ivory horns, strait, stick out from above his ears.
::Mental Disorders:: //
::General:: Generally quiet and somewhat artistic, he's a very thoughtful creature, carefully considering the possibilities of every thing he does. He has an incredably strong sense of morals and rightiousness, and, in his society and the place where he lives, this is something dangerous to have. He cannot stand injustices to any sort of people, and does everything he can to stop it-- which causes him to take great risks, which, under normal circumstances, he wouldn't think of attempting. He's more than he appears, surely. He can be dangerous, though he's more fleety than not, trying not to get caught. He's an excellent photographer, and he harnesses this skill against the oppressive goverment in the place where he lives. Justice is definately something he believes in, even while the goverment and police itself play against this. He's out to expose as much corruption as he can, and this makes him very dangerous to the political people of the time. He's also a master of abstract thought, and, in his spare time, keeps secret journals, littered mostly with excess photographs, things he finds in the streets, comments and random bits of paint and such. Physical and visual diary, if you will.
::If Relevant:: Pierre lives, and has always lived, in a country on the far edges of mindspace. It bears a disturbing resemblance to the time of the apartheid in south africa. A privaliged class of invaders came in and took by storm the natives of the land hundreds of years earlier, taking and cultivating the land for themselves and their benefit. The earlier inhabitants, the natives, which are notable because they are anthros of various species like nothing on earth and come in mostly dark fur colours, were repressed and now they are segregated from the land they used to own, working for these non-natives. The government fears the time when they stop being servile and inferior, and therefore does anything in it's power to stop their advances. Teh yare treated like non-people, without rights. The corrupt goverment and police work in tandem, and the list of civil rights leaders and political prisoners, which may be kept in jail without any reason or trial, is huge, and the list of those who died in prison of various, obviously false, causes only slightly less so. They live seperate from the invaders, in townships, that are raided regularly for small causes. teh general public is not told this had happened-- that the prisoners had starved themselves, or committed suicide. That the raids were peaceful and illegal members were volunteered forward and no harm was done. None of it is exposed.
This is hte world that Pierre was born into. One of the privaliged, he grew up fairly normally, but beside the natives, whom he grew to like. As he met more of the leaders, he became aware of these great differences, and started to look into things himself. As he grew into his later teens, his strong sense of justice, which had been growing and molding itself while taking in these atrocities, decided that this was wrong. OR rather, it had decided tha tlong ago, but now it discovered something that he could do well. Always interested in the arts, pierre was given his first camera at the age of 15-- the most fatefull gift he's ever recieved, besides the flitters Rometto gave him. He seemed to have a natural talent, and the person who'd given it to him, a visiting photojournalist he'd grown close to, taught him everything he knew. He signed up for a newspaper, and started snapping pictures. He took the camera with him wherever he went, and, as he grew more adept, starting putting himself into situations that would give him the excellent shots he'd need to expose the truth as he found it. Pictures of famine to show how bad some places had it, and pictures of the political atrocities to expose that-- particularly the sudden and random arrests of various civil rights leaders, the blatant harassment by the police of anyone who supported the natives, photographs of the raids the police conducted on the townships, and pictures of the beaten bodies of the prisoners who died in prison of "natural causes". For years, he was one of many anonymous activits, contributing in what way he could-- photography.
::Current Situation:: At present, Pierre lives in an abandoned shed on the outskirts of the city. He doesn't have to, but as the police are already uneasy about him due to his public comments onthe issue (which are somewhat rare, and his photographs are all supplied anonymously.( It looks like it's abandoned, and he carefully keeps it so. It's covered in dust, and has only a few rooms. There;s a sort of large-closet area, which he assumed was once storage, and this is where he sleeps. In another once-storage area beside it, he keeps his makeshift darkroom, filled with supplies obtained by Rometto. The rest of the warehouse was once some kind of warehouse, and is filled with old, dusty tables and shelves, which he keeps mostly empty, for hte sake of appearances. Two large windows on either side of the main shed provide light, and he has some candles, though he rarely uses them.
He shares his home with three firelizards, which were gifts from Rometto, donated when he absolutely refused to "be sane and not be as risky all the time." As they've proven themselves useful, both as company to his relatively lonely lifestyle and as partners in crime (he can now go around in public with a small camera in his pocket, and count on them to bring his proffessional one should he need it within seconds), he is looking into the area of Bondeds.
While uneasy about him, the police and the goverment have their suspicions about him and harass him, they cannot do anything publically, and aren't so bad about him because they aren't sure enough of his involvement in anything yet. To them, he is a loud civilian, but only that. They don't know about the photographs.
::Mate:: //
::Family:: Rometto, [adopted] Sister
::Bondeds:: Generation 01D (Mirus) BlackBlue M Dragon Mutt, Namesten;
::Pets:: Snap, Green F Firelizard (Falas); Shot, Black M Firelizard (Falas); Tru, Gold w/purplewings F Flit (Fukeru Ukuure);


::Name:: Namesten
::Gender:: Male
::Rank:: //
::Color:: Black and Blue
::Species:: Dragon Mutt
::Appearance:: !0' at the shoulder and 74' long, Namesten is no small creature. Actually, there's no way around it, he's huge. He's also got quite a few limbs-- three pairs of wings, and ten legs. He's covered in lovely fur, striped black and an interesting shade of blue-- slate but more intense and darker. His eyes are a clear green and his stare is intellegent, and rather fierce, in a forward way.
::Personality:: ((Written by Shiolar@Nexus)) Namesten has an incredibly powerful sense of morality and justice, and in this he is very much like his bond, Pierre. He simply cannot abide injustice, and will always act against it, if he can. Of course, he's inherited his father's almost reckless outlook on life, not to mention his clumsiness, so it's entirely possible that Namesten will prove to be more of a hindrance than a help to Pierre's pursuit of justice and equality. But ultimately, he means well and tries his best, and there's certainly something to be said for his size; he's a big dragon, and he knows it. The government that Pierre deals with will have a lot of trouble intimidating or silencing this fellow. Where Pierre captures pictures on camera, Namesten is more vocal, and once he's set his mind to removing an injustice from the world, everybody will know about it. Secrets don't last for long around Namesten.
::Abilities:: Verbal Speech, Climbing, Stealth
::Origins:: Mirus- Fluffy Generational Project, Generation 01D


Snap, F green Flitter
((adverage size for a green, and a pale, yellowish green tone that makes for good camouflage in trees. She's called snap for a reason other than to be a pun with her brother-- she's tempramental and prone to biting strangers, as she doesn't trust many people besides Pierre. Even if Pierre officially introduces them, she's still wary and prone to biting.))

Shot, M black Flitter
((A lightish shade of black, Shot is smaller than he should be, but more agile as well. Quickwitted and mildly impulsive, he's a fast creature, reacting quickly to situations, and quite ingeniously too, all things considered.))

Tru, F Gold W/ Purple wings flitter.
((A dark, almost bronzey shade of gold, with wings of a royal purple that works oddly well with the afforementioned tone. She's the calmer and more cautious of the flitters. She's more of a lookout type, constantly alert for anyone that might cause danger or harm.))